• Circular economy solutions for the world’s rubber waste

We are a recycling and industrial biotechnology company.

We apply expertise in biotechnology, engineering, polymer science and rubber technology, to create truly circular economy solutions for the world’s rubber waste.

Our people bring our vision to life.

Protect our planet

Reverse the trend and toll of worldwide demand growth for new rubber each year; reduce oil used to make more rubber and protect precious land used for more rubber plantations, avoiding deforestation and harmful environmental impacts in rubber RECIRCLEd.

Harness technology

Recycle using science and nature in the first commercial technology to reuse rubber waste for a full range of performance applications cost effectively, under a natural and mild process with vastly reduced energy and water use in rubber RECIRCLEd.

Realise circular solutions

Revolutionise the reuse of rubber in remaking rubber products from recycled rubber waste, delivering high quality, tailored performance properties in customised rubber solutions. Reduce the need for new raw materials in rubber RECIRCLEd.